2019.05~ 西安交通大学,基础医学院神经生物学研究所,副教授
2015.12~ 2019.05 西安交通大学,基础医学院神经生物学研究所,讲师
2012.09~ 2015.11 第四军医大学, 西京医院眼科,主治医师
2011.09~ 2015.11 第四军医大学, 航空航天医学系临床教研室,讲师
2. Newton Fund, Academy of Medical Society, Newton International fellowship, NIF\R1\181649, Towards CRISPR/Cas9 - mediated gene correction for inherited retinal disease, 201903~202102,66,000 ponds,Principle Applicant
Jing An, Associate Professor in department of Neurobiology, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Centre. During Aug 2017 to Aug 2018, and Feb 2019 to Mar 2021, worked in Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College of London, UK, as CSC academic scholar and Newton fellow.
Research interests
1. Central nervous system injury and repair
2. Pathogenesis and treatment of hereditary retinal diseases
2008 - 2011 Ph.D. in Ophthalmology, Fourth Military Medical University
2005 - 2008 Master in Ophthalmology, Fourth Military Medical University
2000 - 2005 Bachelor in Clinical Medicine, Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University
2019/05 - present Associate professor, Institute of Neurobiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center
2019/02 - 2021/03 Newton Fellow, Newton International Fellowship, Academy of Medicine Science
2017/08 - 2018/08 CSC academic visitor, Chinese government scholarship, Chinese scholarship council
2015/12 - 2019/04 Lecturer and postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Neurobiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center
2011/09 - 2015/11 Lecturer, Department of Clinical Aerospace Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University
2012/10 - 2015/11 Physician, Department of Ophthalmology, Xijing hospital, Fourth Military Medical University
Grant Support
1. Towards role and mechanism ofIigp1+ astrocytes alleviating CNS infection via FGFR3 mediation. 01/2023-12/2026 National Natural Science Foundation of China (82271386). Principal applicant
2. Newton Fund, Towards CRISPR/Cas9 - mediated gene correction for inherited retinal disease. 03/2019~02/2021 Academy of Medical Sciences Newton International fellowship(NIF\R1\181649). Principle Applicant.
3. Gene therapy following electroporation ofCacna1f in retina of rat with congenital stationary night blindness. 01/2016-12/2018 National Natural Science Foundation of China (81500724). Principal applicant
4. Effect of microenvironment on synaptic remodeling of rat withCacna1f mutation. 01/2016-12/2017. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M590952). Principal applicant
5. Therapeutic effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine on a branch retinal vein occlusion rat model. 01/1016-12/2017 Shaanxi Province Programs for Social Development of Science and Technology (2016SF-063). Principal applicant
6. Synaptic remodeling of visual cells in different cell and tissue environments in rat model withCacna1f mutation. 01/1016-12/2017 Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province(2016BSHEDZZ85). Principal applicant